What is a vascular ultrasound exam?
A Vascular Ultrasound Exam looks at blood vessels to determine if there are any areas of narrowing, blockage or clots. Your doctor may request that the blood vessels in your neck, arms, or legs be examined.


How do I prepare for my ultrasound exam?
No preparation is required.


How is a vascular ultrasound exam performed?
The technologist will apply a water-based gel to the skin surface in the area being examined. The gel helps to transmit the ultrasound waves. The technologist will guide a transducer over the skin surface to examine the blood vessel.


How is an arterial evaluation performed?
If an arterial examination of the arms or legs is ordered, the technologist may use blood pressure cuffs to evaluate the circulation.


Are there any preparations needed for these tests (ie: do I need to fast)?
Arterial exams require a 4 hour fast prior to appointment time. Water and medication is allowed. Diabetic patients are exempt from fasting. All other appointments do not require fasting.


How long does an exam take?
Typically, exams take between 30-60 minutes, depending on the specific test being requested.


Will it hurt?
No. Examinations at the lab are non invasive, and do not include needles, injections, or dyes.